Thursday, August 26, 2010

Texting Has Made Us Stupid

I am taking a page out of Salt's book today with an Open Letter Thursday. I haven't done one since the Urban Active debacle. I think I'm due.

Dear CVS Advertising/Marketing Department,

Last Sunday, I was perusing the Jacksonville Sunday paper, enjoying the French Roast my sister has started brewing and wondering what sales you all would be offering up to the mostly unemployed public this week when I stumbled across this:

Let's get past the fact that 50 prints for $6 is a pretty good 12 cents per photo. Even Sam's Club has a difficult time competing with that. I would, instead, like to draw your attention to the small print, especially the part that says "(like 12 cents each)". I am more than just a little appalled that we are now accepting Valley Girl Speak in our marketing campaigns. I just did the is not like 12 cents is 12 cents each. And even if it was sometime thing like 12.43 cents per photo, there are roughly 27392 different ways to indicate that the price is just slightly over 12 cents. Like is really not an option for print advertising. Or it shouldn't be. I don't mind to see like littered around blog posts, Kindergarten assignments, and the screenplay for Clueless...I am, however, adverse to having it posted on the 1st page of a Big Box sales flyer. We are already fighting a losing battle with the invention of text language and spell check. Perhaps you should refrain from caving to the peer pressure, even if it does cost you your target audience. This is not a deal breaker for me. I will still buy my Chia Pets from you at Christmas and sometimes you do have the best deal on Halloween candy. I would just appreciate a little more care taken in the production of your newspaper ads...even if you think no one reads the newspapers anymore.



  1. I like TOTALLY agree with you on this!!

  2. I looked at the picture and immediately had the same reaction before I even read your post....that's so inappropriate! But, like you, I will still shop at CVS. I mean, afterall, where else can you get a great deal on tampons AND buy 3/$1 Reese cups? It's the perfect place to shop when I have PMS ;)

  3. I agree with Cindy S. It was the FIRST thing I noticed. I'm neither here nor there on CVS. So this mediocre level of intelligence does not surprise me.

  4. Like, OMG! That is, like, such a totally good deal!
    I've been working in, like, advertising and marketing for, like, almost 10 years and my boss would have, like, totally kicked my ass if I ever put anything like (used for reals this time) that in an advert.

    This made me laugh. A lot.

  5. I'm in shock that this actually found it's way into print. Have they fired all the people that used to review the copy including the copywriter and replaced them with 15 year olds? I'd say 14 but I think it's illegal to work under the age of 15, correct me if I'm wrong.

  6. CVS does stuff like that all the time. It's bad. But, like, totally funny.

    Oh...and I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who buys Chia Pets at Christmas.

  7. You know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. Ha...

    It's downright sad is what it is.

  8. I noticed that even before I read your commentary and I could NOT believe it! Who in the world is working in the marketing departments these days?

  9. Holy like, shit!

    Looks like something that would be in our local newspaper. They have the worst editors on staff in the history of ever. To the point where there are words that get printed that aren't even WORDS.

    Le sigh.

  10. I can hear it in my head.

    "It's like, 12 cents! And I'm all, that so cheap!"

    Son of a bitch.

  11. I read the picture before I continued reading the post, and the "like" jumped right out at me too!!

    Thanks so much for your warm welcome to Georgia! I'm happy to be here! I'll be working all five of the days that I'm here, but still will enjoy my evenings, and the people that I come across during the days (you must check out my post from tonight detailing one of today's encounters).

  12. Omigosh... that just makes me so sad. Seriously.
    I think we've killed evolution and are actually getting dumber as a species.

  13. Now I do have to say, I'm a regular user of the word "like", however I use it in situations where something really is "like" something else, not exactly that other thing. And other ways to say it...."less than 13 cents!" " about 12 cents!" two of them right there. BOOM.

  14. You make a very valid point. I will happily sign whatever petition you draft up. Even though we don't have CVS here. I'll just pretend I'm American. Wouldn't be the first time.

  15. O-M-G, Are they like fo' real? Wow this made my morning! I'm stuck at work on a Saturday thank you for the chuckles sister! ox

  16. Have you seen the book by the two guys who went around the country LITERALLY changing signs that were - like - wrong? I wish I had their address so that could send this to them. Bad enough when there is an error (poor proofing) but so much worse when it's poor usage or grammar on purpose. See you in 2012!

  17. That is too hysterical. I guess some kid fresh out of college did land a job!

  18. I can't believe this! I mean, I know that texting has made us lazier as a society but this is a different kind of animal altogether. I expect better from CVS! You should write a letter and complain because there is like, no excuse for something like that!


That's it, let it all out....